Increasing the efficiency of the use of new IT systems

A study carried out by PWC on 10640 projects from 200 companies, covering 30 countries and multiple industries, found that only 2.5% of these completed their projects in proportion to 100%.

Another study, published in Harvard Business Review, which analyzed 1471 IT projects, found that the overrun of the budget and implementation period is on average 27%, but that one out of 6 companies has a budget overrun of over 200%, and a Exceeding the implementation deadline of 70%.

Each of the companies interviewed in the 2 studies had clear processes, milestones, methods and monitoring tools, responsible for deliverables.

The main surprise both in studies and in reality comes less from know-how and tools and more from behaviors and level of commitment. Most implementation failures of new technologies come from the lack of adoption of the respective systems.

The costs of such a situation far exceed the costs of the systems themselves and end up including emotional costs, costs of loss of competitiveness, costs of threatening the health of the company itself.

We can prevent and mitigate such risks through programs developed with the aim of facilitating and accelerating the adoption of the new implemented technological systems.

system usage