Actors and witnesses of a new reality, born under our own eyes, felt with all our senses. That’s who we are.
As part of the old X Generation – one thought to be the revolutionary one (little did we know J), I’ve had the privilege to witness and play my minor role into several moments like this, but never with such magnitude, touching so many layers of our life fabric.
In the 90s it was a socio-political change, transforming Eastern Europe and with that the entire world. Then there were the economical shifts (the bubble, the rise of China, the big financial crisis in 2008 with strong reverberations even today).
So, what are the elements, the drivers behind this one? It is no less than a digital revolution, infused with the effects of the biggest health crisis in our recent history and the consequent economic crisis, only starting. A digital revolution on steroids, leapfrogging humanity into an ocean of uncertainty and raw potential.
How are going to transform our world, tapping into these unknown opportunities? Will we be directors, actors or just simple spectators? Who will take the lead and put humanity on proper path? And how?
My son is 18. Amazing human being! He is part of this strange, miraculous generation we call Gen Z. This is the latest pool of hope, along with Millennials, almost genetically aligned with technology, facing reality with curiosity, pragmatism and courage. Yes, they are tough on us, more difficult to connect with, for the older ones but just because we don’t have, don’t know how to use their life lenses. They possess the potential to take all of ”This” and make it ”Our New Reality”, the next evolutionary step.
To undertake such a Herculean job, even they have to learn much more about what already is as well as project what could be – look into the periscope of future and design the ”New”. And so are we, if we wish to continue to be relevant and support the Shift. So, we have to learn, project, experiment, fail and start again.
This takes me to my last point for this short reflection: the way we learn has to evolve too. It has to become interesting, diverse and fit to this crazy world under pressure and exponentially changing. To give us principles, relevant theoretical bases supporting directly our strategies, as well to quickly develop those new abilities to make the Job.
Evolution needs a new way of learning.
Written by
Raymond Marin
(checkout his LinkedIn Profile)